Sabbath School

Take a Youth Spiritual Gift Assessment by clicking here.




Kindergarten 3-5  YO

Grace Link lessons here 

Let's have fun!

Kindergarten TEACHER Sabbath School Lesson Pamphlet - CHILDREN (0-9yrs) - SABBATH  SCHOOL - Adventist Book Centre Australia [with ABC Christian Books, Better  Books and Food and Christian Life Resources]

Subscribe to the Saddleback Kids channel on YouTube for short, fun Bible stories. 

(Note: this channel is not an Adventist source, but remains true to scripture and strictly focuses on Bible stories.)

Primary 6-9 YO

Grace Link LessonsPrimary Sabbath School Lesson Pamphlet - Adventist Book Centre Australia  [with ABC Christian Books, Better Books and Food and Christian Life  Resources]


Weekly subscriptions are about $3/week.
You can watch some of these videos for free on YouTube for kids agea 5-10. 


Youth (Teens) 14-18 YO

Cornerstone Connections Lessons Teens - Kilikali Seventh-day Adventist Church - FijiCornerstone TEACHER Sabbath School Lesson Pamphlet - Adventist Book Centre  Australia [with ABC Christian Books, Better Books and Food and Christian  Life Resources]


magazine and online supplemental resource for teens 
Make a Guide account to access magazines, forums and discussion boards, games, and videos!



Please remember to read your Sabbath School lessons and memorize your scripture each week. Be prepared to participate in the class discussion and learn more! We are so proud of our students. Thank you, parents, for working with your children.